Falling Fabulously
This time of year is my favorite and to enjoy Fall Fabulously, I can't recommend products without lifestyle tips to set you up for success. Of course my go-to products for water and oil depleted skin is to use what is naturally abundant this time of year without coincidence - pumpkin! They are rich in carotenoids, which are great protective antioxidants and what gives it it's rich orange hue. But don't stop there, Eat as much of these carotenoids as well; Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, and squashes to name a few. If we are on the same page that everything has energy and everything is energy, then it is safe to say that dirt and dust indeed...have energy. In fact, 75-90% of dust in the home is dead skin cells. Ever notice when you enter a place that is clean, it just "feels" good? You can simply tell that it's clean and welcoming? Well, most of us are accustomed to Spring Cleaning in the s...