New Skin in The New Year

Your skin's number one function is to separate the outside world from your inside world. You simply cannot have a toxin-free inside and a toxin-riddled outside live in harmony with one another and expect results in the long run.

The skin absorbs energy. It absorbs everything because it is alive and communicative. When you start to treat it as such by giving it the same amount of attention, respect, love and harmony as the rest of the body, it will respond.

Realizing that your skin is not separate from your body is a great place to start because then we are more aware of what we are exposing ourselves to; From psychological toxicities to physical and environmental toxicities.
When we treat the body as a whole, it will exude from the inside. You organically glow from within and that can only be amplified with products that are pure, toxin-free and have good energy upon application.

Have an ingredient list on all of your products that when you read the label you get excited. Ingredients that resonate with you intuitively and that you look forward to using, Period.

That is when we start aging holistically no matter where we are chronologically.


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